Welcome to


Baptist Church

Plan your Visit

If it’s your first Sunday with us, thank you for being our guest. Foothills is where you can walk in and feel at home because everyone should have a place where they belong.

We know every church does things differently, and we want you to know what to expect.

  • Our 10:30 am worship is usually led with a full praise band.

  • Dress is casual, so be yourself.

  • You can expect to be greeted by our Welcome Team, who will be glad to help you find everything you need to enjoy your Sunday with us.

  • If you have children, we have Pre-school Care during our worship service designed just for them (Birth - Kindergarten).

  • The Worship service last about 60 minutes and includes live music and biblical teaching.

  • Before our worship we also have small group Bible studies beginning at 9am, enter in the main worship center doors to get connected and visit with our staff, and then join a small group for Bible study. We have a group for all ages and stages of life.